Lamb on a wall

Sometime in the last year or so I tried a new run that involved taking a footpath that was bisected by a private road. However, the field on the far side of the road had a sign warning of a bull in the field.

The sign looked kind of old so I did venture onto the field but lost my nerve when I caught sight of a largish animal in the distance - it was a big field with a hill in the middle - and I beat a hasty retreat to the road.

I thought I'd repeat that run today but when I got to the field the sign was no longer there so I cautiously completed the run I first intended to do last year. It was nice and there was, thankfully, no sign of any bull.

And I'm glad I did this run because I encountered this lamb on a wall. Dan and I saw exactly the same thing on a walk last week and I was gutted that I couldn't get my phone out in time to take a photo.

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson

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