
By Mindseye

Can you see me?

Slept ok, awake before the alarm went off, up and ready, breakfasted, and popped nextdoor with a card for our neighbours daughters 21st birthday today.

Grabbed todays blip whilst I was stood inmthrmkitchen eating my breakfast......themblue tits are vonstantly back and forth on th feeders, but also like the thuja tree......pressume there are insects,on it that they like?!

Had a meeting with a financial chap who was recommended by some friends, just a few questions, nothing to onerous. Then I was off out to meet one of my team from my working days. I have kept in touch with all the girls, even though its been 8+ years.

We had a lovely time, it felt like we had seen each other last week.......talked about hub a lot, she was still as shocked as the rest of us.
Hardly any tears today, just a few this evening when I watched The Friends Reunion episode....hub would have loved it, he loved Lisa Kudrow's laugh :-)

I drove home after lunch......I had the link to watch my friends brothers funeral at 3.30 .......sadly there was an accident, which caused a major delay, a car on its roof, on the pavement!!! Thempolice held themtrafficmup, it was gone 4.30 when I got home, feel really sad at I missed it :-(

I took myself off into the garden having got changed......Planted up 2 pale pink,geraniums in two rubs under thr front window, added a cerise dianthus to the sink trough also under the window. They set about weeding the circle in which the magnolia tree sits. The grape hyacinths all needed deheading and the leaving cutting back too. Did some watering of thr new baskets and wall trough. Before I realised it was 7.45pm!!!

Imwasnt too hungry as,lunch was a club sandwich, I chose it as it was something,hub always,used to have.....it was enormous!! Took the middle slice of bread out.

Had a SlimmingmWorld pork char sui noodles meal for my tea, about 8.30.

Its verymlate now, 12.40 so Id best get to ned, meeting daughter tomorrow, we are off out for a little garden centre visit, followed by lunch......yes I know, again lol!!!

Tsken down most of hubs cards now, only about 8'to go, been taking 2/3 down each morning...... so I dont notice :-/

Take care one and all

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