Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The oldest house in the village

"Often said to be the oldest house in the village, Esgairs (or EastGuise Farm as it was once known) was built in the late 15th or early 16th century when it was probably a two-bay open hall house - the oldest part being at the back of the property. In the 16th central the central ’smoke bay’ was added, with the chimney probably inserted in the 17th century. 

In the 18th century the brick built front was added and many of the wattle and daub panels between the timber-framing were probably replaced with brick as they became cheaper to produce. Indeed by the late 18th and early 19th century it was more fashionable to own a brick built property, so many old timber-framed houses were encased in brick, which possibly explains why an auction notice from 1841 describes the property as a ‘substantial brick-built dwelling’, with ‘six convenient bedrooms, large kitchen and two parlours, with wash-house - dairy and cellar’. "


An evening walk after a day stuck in the home office. Bumped into people, chatted, came home and cooked sausages. Watched the excellent Mark Carney being interviewed by the excellent Dharshini David - I love listening to intelligent people talking with humility and compassion (two of my favourite words I think). I drank wine and TSM drank vodka. We snuggled up over the crossword and went to bed happy, ours being the happiest house in the village ...

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