Ice skating anyone???

Bitterly cold again this morning. Thought I would risk it and left the Crampons at home, but after parking the car - my usual walk to work near the Botanics was like a sheet of ice!

I waddled like a Penguin ! Anyone passing may have thought I was an escapee from Edinburgh zoo!

Thankfully it was all slushy by my home time, but that just meant the frozen dog poo had defrosted too (seems to be a popular place for doggie walks first thing in the morning)....dogs must be HUGE going by the size of the little parcels that assail my senses first thing.

Another day of work done (only 6 working days left). Received my letter that tells me what I'm worth to not be employed.

Not bad for 22 years imprisonment.

Here's a blip of my ice skate to work.

Quiet night planned...huddled in front of the fire reading all your blips!

P.S. sorry about the sun spots.

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