
By Mindseye

Know your onions

Late to bed, early to rise......especially when someone close by is using what sounded like an angle grinder at 7.40am!!

Up and downstairs by 8.30....... laundry on, whirly bird up in the garden, all pegged out, then a walk into town for a few things I needed as I am cooking a proper meal tonight.

Once Id got everything Imneeded, called in to Costa....queue was out the door!! Eventually got to the till, thrlady in front of me, had a young girl with her, so when she ordered 5 hit chocolates with everything on and a Latte Imliterally groaned I think lol!! Needless to say my quick coffee took an hour....but I did enjoy it!

Walked back home, bumped into our old neighbour, we had a chat, he expressed his sadness and condolences.....then it was time to cut the lawns. Tackled the front first.....one of the neighbours was doing likewise. Asked if I could use their garden bin, as mine has to remain empty so the Council will take it away when they deliver my new one, they were fine with that. they have artificial in their back garden. By the time Id cut the back too, their bin was almost full :-0

Its been pleasantly warm today, most cloudy, did some watering, made myself a quick chicken mug shot to tide me over until dinner, as youngest and his wife were coming to,sort out my fire stick for me and have dinner. Sat in the garden to drink it, then took a few photos. I liked this allium, paet of the onion family the best.

I moved indoors to prep dinner..... Chicken madras curry, home made garlic chapatis, poppadums and mango chutney, which involved lots of chopping of white onions and garlic cloves, another type of onion ;-).
It actually turned out really well.....see extra ;-) was a bit worried as I am a out of practice :-/

We had a lovely few hours, tv all sorted, we enjoyed the food, with a Singha beer, then watched the Euro Final.....as a Manc I really wanted City to win, so disappointed for them, especially Sergio Aguerro :-( they just didnt play well. Me and son enjoyed a G&T, DiL sruck to Pepsi. They left for home around 10.45!

Had a quick natter on line with middle son not long ago....hes not usually up at this hour, but hes waiting for other DiL to come home from a,night out with the "school mummies" apparently. The two youngest granddaughters both had birthdays this week, they had a little party at home.p today. Son sent me a beautiful photo of Olivia and her best friend Luna, see extra :-D They are the same age lol.

Well its getting late again, and I am tired, done over 14.5k steps today :-) so night all.....enjoy your weekend.

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