Yorkshire Lads

Am I the only person who, went confronted with a holiday, does a long delayed mini spring clean of the house and a radical clear out of the wardrobe.? Clothes which have been kept in the forlorn hope of my ever fitting them again have been taken to the local charity shop. But the three years of incredible thinness requiring these clothes I consider a gift from the god of self control and exercise. As Wallace Simpson is reputed to have said: ‘You can never be too rich or too thin’. Unfortunately the said god has forsaken me.

The Yorkshire family left this morning after the mandatory coffee in Söderberg. It was hard to see them go so soon after arriving but we made the most of the three days they were here. I will content myself with knowing they will be up again at the end of August for a whole family get together. Of course that is dependent on the progress of Covid and any future lockdowns. Nothing is certain any more.

I managed a sneaky blip of Ralph and Sid as they waited for the car to come. The haar had burned off and they had to squint into the sun.

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