
I love watching the Jedi explore his surroundings. This park is great as it's all fenced it . He's crazy and goes on the giant slide. I take a buggy rain cover with me and tie it up on the massive gap to keep him safer. As it's about a 7 foot drop to the ground. He loves that park, he runs round everything. 

The Wildlings have all had a good day today. Lincoln had a headache this morning so I kept him off nursery. He gets his bloods taken tomorrow. 

Xander is glad that he now has a new tablet. Thank goodness for a two year warranty. I took it out on all the tablet's. 

I am beyond tired today. I literally got to bed last night and then Harp was awake, and then I stayed up to the early hours of the morning waiting for Mr R to get home . I fell asleep near 4am and then was back up at 6. 
Mr R took most of the day off work so we had a lovely walk this morning and then I went and picked Xander up from school. He got a surprise as it's normally nana and grandad that get him. He's away to work now for a few hours so he can watch the two wee ones tomorrow when linc see's the nurse. I know already that it won't go well. He doesn't like getting needles, but I have the magic numbing cream for him. 

I'm hoping to get to bed not long after the Wildlings tonight. 

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