
By Beewriter


I had an email from the production manager for Blue Peter and halloo hallay I'm getting a Blue Peter badge....yippee! Thank you to all those who said they would start a campaign, I really appreciate your support :))

I went to sign the final papers at Mini and I pick up my new car on Friday. What a fabulous week...a Blue Peter badge and a new car. What more could anyone ask for?

I did some work on the newsletter today and I asked one of the prep 6 girls to write me a piece on our visit to the BBC. I told her not to make it too long, be sharp and punchy, stick to the facts but still to write in her own unique, quirky way. I left her in the staff room whilst I nipped out and she set to work. When I returned she was writing furiously and had filled a page. It was great but if I'd let her finish it would have been the only article in the newsletter.

There were some letters left in the staffroom ready to go out to the children.
Catherine: What is the letter about?
Me: It's about LAMDA
Catherine: LAMDA? Wasn't the assembly on monday about that?
Me: Yes, they are starting the speech lessons again
Catherine: Speech? I thought it was religious festival!

Shakes head in amazement, especially as Catherine's subject at university was theology.

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