Edinburgh Madness

I can’t believe the increase in the volume of traffic and pedestrians in Edinburgh during this last week. We seem to be back to pre Covid volume; no more crossing an empty Princes Street at 9:30 in the morning. Today I waited while 8 buses nose to tail passed by. There don’t seem to be quite as many cars, possibly because any thoroughfares not already reduced to single lanes to allow for bike access, have road works. It must be almost impossible for tourists to negotiate the city.
I had to smile at this misplaced diversion notice covering the Mad Hatter outside a shop near Tollcross.

This afternoon for the first time in possibly 4 years, I anointed myself with sun tan lotion in order to bare my arms whilst I sat reading on the patio- yes it was that hot!
Actually I’ve just looked at the weather app on my phone and it says it’s only 14° feeling like 12°. Can that be right?

I had a visit from a friend later in the afternoon- quite unexpected and so lovely to have company.

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