Sisters, Sisters…

They came, they saw, they conquered, but in a nice way.
Daughters 3,4 ,5 and a son- in- law arrived for lunch with  4 grandchildren and it was lovely in the chaotic way it always is when 8 people suddenly descend on the Dower House.

Daughter#5 had travelled with her 2 boys from Yorkshire to stay in Glasgow with  daughter #4. Porty daughter #3 joined us for lunch

There was the usual brotherly jousting while Ewan quietly worked on his sewing project and Nina looked like the grown up.

With an occasion like this it is best  to stoke the boilers fairly quickly. I had made another easy pasta bake augmented with salad and the girls brought 4 pizzas. Everything disappeared like  ‘snaw afa dyke’ as they say.

It was the first time I have seen them together since the big get together  last August and although some of them are  not Royalists, it did feel a bit like a Platinum Jubilee celebration without the bunting.

They have now gone back to Glasgow leaving me with a feeling that a whirlwind has just passed through the house.

Tomorrow they are off ‘doon the watter’  to have a picnic at Loch Fyne. I hope the weather holds.

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