
I hadn’t a clue where Shona was taking me this morning. We left at 9.30 am as neither of us copes well in the heat nowadays. She drove about 15 minutes and we parked at Alnham Church. We went on bits of walks I’d done before but I’d never been in these woods. We prefer the open countryside but not today - the bluebells drifted on for what seemed ages through the wood. It was very boggy underfoot in places. It’s hard to photograph bluebells en masse as they never seem as good as in reality so this is the best I have.

We had a good catch up. They have been trying to buy a camper van but can’t find any decent secondhand which are almost as expensive as new - but even if they went for new they’d not get it this year.

#2 daughter and family are staying near Gatehouse-on-Fleet with a couple who are on holiday there, on their was home from Ireland. Their 2 girls are in the same class as Thomas and James at school. James and Emma are very close. When he was told about the visit (not till they were on the ferry coming back for obvious reasons) he said he was so excited he thought he might explode!

I have been sent complicated forms by DVLA to fill in about my licence. It could take 6 weeks for a decision but if they need to write to the consultant it would be longer. As some questions were ambiguous I have photocopied her report to send too.

It’s another glorious day. We need to go to town for walking shoes - we’ll be there when the shops open tomorrow as it’s half term and I don’t fancy Northumberland Street heaving with people.

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