Bursting buds

Couldnt settle last night, didnt sleep well, was awake just after 5, then on and off until I eventually got up, not what I needed as had been looking forward to a full day today :-/. Was disappointed to see the cloudy skies and the rain too just before I left, not what I had hoped for :-/

Left home before 11 was meeting a long time friend for a coffee/light lunch, we hadn't seen each other for 35 years!! So nice to see her in person, the two and quarter hours just flew by, we've agreed we wont leave it so long next time lol!

Then a quick dash to the hair salon for a cut and toner. My hairdresser is the daughter of another friend, who also happened to be booked in the Salon at the same time, so afterwards we went back to her house, got changed and went out for tea at a local traditional pub. The food was lovely, I had. morrocan salmon and a kedgerie rice plant pot thing, with spinach rocket and spices, really tasty it was. One G&T and a fizzy water.

Talked alot about hub today with both friends.
Still got a lot of stuff to sort out, yet another form arrived today. My ironing is piling up, got 3 pairs of curtains to iron too..... the house needs a good clean, the grass is already getting long again, need to sort out an electrician, a decorator, contact the company who are going to spray the staircase, my/hubs wedding rings, hubs memorial, change batteries in some of the garden lights, the pond needs replanting, so much to do.....but not at home enough to do it all! Catch 22 really, as its so much harder to cope when Im at home. I know I have to do it, but it doesnt take much to persuade me to do other things and it doesnt help feeling so tired & my birthday is looming too :-(

Just a quick garden blip of our purple rhodedendrum ready to open up in all its glory.

Hope youre all safe and well

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