
By Mindseye

Girly sleepover

Sorry Im late posting this, had a busy day.
Slept ok, awake,early as seems to the usual now.

Out in the garden tidying, sweeping, weeding, wiped all the furniture down, got the vushions out of themstorage chest for the L shaped seating, all,ship shape for middle son Dil Olivia & Isabella visiting....coming via daughters, having lunch with me, courtesy of M&S ;-)
We walked about hub, we had a few "moments" but it was really nice, sonmfound it tough, especially indoors,dads empty chair :-(

We had a lovely couple,of hours, the girls were really good, enjoyed rooting aRound upstairs, came down in my shoes, Isabella had on my highest cork wedges and was just about to step off the top step in them.......I yelled stay there Isabella, she would have fallen for sure!!! She just laughed!! it was only after they had left I realised I hadnt taken a single photo of them!

A bit of clearing up here and there and everything was neat & tidy again....then it was time to get my overnight bag ready as I going to daughters, with two of her good friends, for a sleepover.......as granddaughter Emily was having 4 school friends over for a girly sleepover too...five 12 year olds!!

Todays blip is just a quick collage of our various antics over 7 hours 6-1am.....I slept in Emilys room, the 5 youngsters slept outside in the gazebo, with air mattresses and sleeping bags, that was until they came indoors, rather noisily as it was "too cold" lol Daughter went downstairs to them, and they all settled down in the lounge, not before asking if she would order pizza for them, this was at 3.00am!!! needless to say the answer was no as there wont be anywhere open! We all then settled down back to sleep.

An enjoyable fun day and night......we sat outdoors most of the time, with hub close by, on his reserved for dad seat :-)

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