Ready! Threw a party!

I threw a party to celebrate.
I've started a lot of new jobs and I've never thrown a party to celebrate, but being able to get a security clearance demonstrates how much life has changed over the past few decades. (Clinton passed an executive order ending the practice in 1995. I don't know when it really ended, but I wasn't looking for a job in the government in 1995.) 

There is a woman in town who has begun a business out of her house making baked goods. I bought some treats for the happy hour driveway crew for Halloween 2020. To pick them up we wore masks and we were all stressed at the quick interaction. I bought a birthday cake for someone in April and she left it outside her door for completely contactless pickup. Today she came outdoors, she carried it toward me, she didn't wear a mask. I realized what was going on and said, "Look at your vaccinated self!" 

I invited neighbors. We held it in the gazebo outdoors. Everyone was vaccinated and there were many hugs. Everyone was so happy to be together and celebrating.

Thank you for the good wishes! It was totally boring, as to be expected for an orientation day. Tomorrow will be boring too, second day of orientation. Wednesday will be more interesting.  

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