Naughty Ice Cream

Final day of the school holiday (apart from tomorrow and sunday obviously!).

After not getting to sleep until around 4.30 this morning (insomnia is a terrible thing, and I seem to have been suffering with it again this reason, just cannot get off to sleep. Tried everything last night - horlicks, reading, and even my meditation cd which is on my iPod, which never normally fails me ...but oh no...sleep eluded me!), I got up at 9.30 and then after breakfast and mooching for an hour, James and I went into town.

We found what we wanted in record time, and before going back to the car, we stopped at our favourite ice-cream bar (Scoop) - James didn't really want an ice-cream there and then, but we both love this particular place because they do an icecream called Jelly Bear, which is just scrummy. For those of you who remember "Wham bars" (a pink chewy bar with multicoloured sugar crystals) - this is the icecream version. And the ice creams from this place are freshly made, different flavours daily, and its sooooooo soft and deliciously creamy.

So I bought a litre tub of it to bring home (great to watch the girl scooping big dollops of the stuff into the polystyrene container..."thats mine" I thought and James probably thought "mum's not having any of that"). James has subsequently had two bowls of the stuff, and I've not yet got round to having any.

Productive afternoon - cleaning (again...yes I actually like cleaning), laundry on the washing line and have managed to start a canvas this afternoon and have royally cracked on with it...might have it finished tonight (thought I would do something for me, seeing as much of the holiday has been spent marking coursework - half way there...will manage to get it sorted over the rest of the weekend).

Slight panic at 4.20 this afternoon when Corin rang to tell me he was off to hospital as he had sliced his fingers open. Corin never fusses when he injures himself, so I was worried straight away that he was voluntarily heading to the hospital. Thoughts of sliced tendons and such like had passed through my mind, and his too, which is why he had gone. Fortunately, although very deep slice in one finger, and a chunk missing from the other, there is no damage other than the flesh wound. He's still a bit green around the gills though, as I would be!

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