Creosote Carnage

This is what happens when the container of creosote in your shed springs a leak. The rubber seal must have buggered up (technical term) and so Corin went into 1 of his 3 sheds this morning to find that everything was covered in the vile smelling black stuff.

He's still out there now putting everything away - he's had to dump a whole pile of stuff at the local household waste site, including a remote control car, some carpet and a set of shelves.

Hey ho.

I've spent the afternoon building a website specifically for the wedding photos ...Its here if you want to have a look. I am very pleased with it - looks quite professional. I have tested it to oblivion and I think that I have ironed out the glitches (caused by user error - i.e. me!). Not cost me a penny. Very good website that provides the interface for building the site. Nice.

Wedding album was uploaded and ordered this morning.

The last of the thank you letters have been posted.

Oh, and the best moment of the day had to be when the nice lady at the checkout in Asda gave me a funny look when she swiped my four pack of Magners cider through the till. She then asked me for ID, which I willingly handed over, whilst laughing heartily. She asked my why I was laughing and I told her that to be ID'd at 37 years of age had made my day.

Still chuckling now. Marvellous :-)

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