Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Grub's Up!

I was sitting outside with my first cuppa at 6am, listening to the birdsong including a very distant cuckoo.
 A couple of hours later I thought about carrying my camera as I walked Jorgie in the vain hope of seeing one. I decided against it as by 8am it was already quite warm.

 I first suspected that this tree had a woodpecker nest a couple of months ago.
This morning as Jorgie and I walked past, I could hear the chick(s) calling and soon after, the parent returned with a beak full of grubs.
I  have returned twice today and am planning another visit tomorrow morning.
Hopefully the nest site will then be more illuminated and I won't have to ramp up the ISO
The tree trunk is partially covered by wild clematis which helps obscure the hole. Good for the chick but not for photography.
Still Im pleased to have got a few shots in the bag of an event I havent seen before.

This evening I also had the briefest glimpse of the barn owl.

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