
By emmacooperx

Ella & Cow

The started with our amazing breakfast. Unfortunately, immediately after breakfast I started to feel majorly unwell so I headed back to bed for a couple of hours which gave Ella and I a bit more time to catch up and watch some terrible French television. In the afternoon we braved heading out for a wander round Le Panier - the old town of Marseille. Marseille is definitely the strangest city I've been to - such a mix of cultures, old and new and tourists and residents. I can't say I loved it as a city but the old town had some pretty sights, a cathedral, the setting of Plus Belle La Vie, and some nice touristy shops. Plus there was a trail of animals to find, Ella particularly likes cows! In the evening I didn't really feel up to a restaurant so we bought a few bits and pieces from the amazing bakery and fruit and veg shops and headed home for a night in. We watched It's Complicated which was much better than we had both expected and chatted until we fell asleep. Chouette.

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