Crazy child

3years 143days

Katie got up at 4.15 this morning - she woke for the toilet and couldnt settle. I was wide awake very shortly after, so we were up and at it very early indeed. As day dawned, we could see that during the night another snow covering had fallen. Indeed, by the time we set off to nursery it was snowing again. By the time I picked her up from nursery, it was bright blue skies and not a snowflake in sight!

Granny-Grandad were at our house for her to arrive to. She was practically bouncing on my back the whole way home with excitement. I was doing some test shots with the flashes, practising remote lighting for dramatic effect with bridal portraits. In between, I got this shot of Katie being a bit loopy. She shortly after curled up on my knee asleep. Her favourite way to go to sleep at the moment - in my arms.

In other news, tomorrow is her preschool jabs. I have explained it to her as kindly but honestly as possible. She asked me directly "will it hurt?" so I felt I shouldnt lie to her. So I described it as a "quick pinch so that you dont get the nasty poorlies". It seemed to be more ok with her than a straight "yes its going to hurt and probably make you cry!" but shes not too amused, bless her heart.

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