
By Mindseye

Something to cuddle

Before I forget, for those of you who had a stab at guessing how many pairs of shoes daughter has, the closest was 85! Not that close though really, the shelves are deceiving, 3 rows deep, so at the last count she had 134 pairs!!!

A very late night, again, still awake after 5, but did go back for a while thankfully.

I got ready leisurely this morning, enjoyed my breakfast, whilst watching the birds flitting back and forth on the feeders in the garden.

Todays blip is the cushions and bears we have had made using some of hubs favourite tees for the youngest two granddaughters bears, if you look closely you can see their names & grandad embroidered on their paws. The cushions are for me and hubs sister, made from his shirts, the ones that he loved to wear and that I loved to see him in. My cushion will have a special place on our bed <3

I had a lovely late morning/early afternoon. Met a friend from Photo Club, we had a very relaxed lunch. We both opted for grilled halloumi, oven roasted cherry tomatoes on a sourdough toast topped with avocado. There was lots of chatting about hub, which I really enjoy, she is such a lovely person......was so interested to know all about how we met etc. the time just flew by and before we knew it, I had to dash off as my car park ticket was about to expire!! We parted promising to do it again soon.

The drive home was a pain in the rear, I called at a garden nursery, picked up 4 small,plants just to finish off two tubs, dual carriageway down to one lane, so took myself off a different route, not much better to be honest, found myself queuing past the top of daughters road, so peeled off to surprise her. I knocked on her window, made her jump as she hadnt seen my message lol. We had a quick catch up, just for half an hour, got to see Emily too, she came in from school whilst I was there.....traffic was a bit better when I left.

Back home, first job was to email copies of a letter & form that I had completed & posted on 27/5, but the intended recipient had written to me again on 4/6 saying they were waiting for my response! Goodness knows where my reply has ended up!!! Then I changed into my gardening scruffs, finished off planting hubs rhoddi, in a half barrel, managed to drag it into position beside the pond....looks nice there :-) Put the four plants in to the tubs, topped them up and watered everything, front and back.....everywhere is very dry!! Not long since come in from the garden, didnt realise it was 7.45!!!

Its now almost 9....... guess I should think about a snack of some sort, dont feel overly hungry though tbh, maybe feta & olives?!

Got another busy day planned tomorrow, which I am really looking forward to :-D
Rest day Saturday.......am sure there is stuff I need to do at home though :-/

No tears so far today......but theres time yet.
Hope you are all looking after yourselves out there :-)

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