
By XSworld


..the harvestman must have a great eyesight, sense of space and of equilibrium in order to be able to land its long legs on the glume of the wheat and walk steadily! Aren't they extremely skilled?

Then wait for this: they often loose their legs for various reasons (usually by autotomy, the voluntary release of a body part..often for self defense, a phenomenon that deserves its own post) and they do not regenerate them, but scientists recording and using a software to analyse their movements showed that harvestmen that "lost either three legs total or two legs on the same side of the body showed an immediate and substantial decrease in velocity and acceleration" but "surprisingly, [they] recovered initial performance after 2 days" which apparently is the quickest recovery recorded for an automazing animal! And think that I had to do physiotherapy for weeks to regain the mobility of my pinky finger after an incident!
Go harvestmen!

Info from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-70557-2

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