By lizzie_birkett

Off With His Head! (Don Aquaduct Guillotine) E

We had stayed overnight at the top of Pollington Lock and were booked in to go through it at 10 this morning.
Still in a convoy with the 2 Micks and Ernie,
the 3 men all took turns at opening bridges and locks. They were all electronically operated so no heavy pushing was involved.
The bridges were all massive lift ones and Frank operated one of them. I waited till the others went through then followed but it took me a while to get going as I had to get Bella back on and she didn't want to because 'Dad' was at the bridge. Then I had to get off to push the bow out. Just before I got to the bridge I saw it lowering down again! I had to go into reverse and was shouting to Frank. Anyway he saw me coming and lifted it again. Back on board he said he thought maybe something was wrong to hold me up and the traffic was building up either side on the road so he had to lower it. 
We turned off to the right at Southfield junction and onto the New Junction Canal which is like a Roman road, I've never seen such a long straight stretch before. A bit boring if I'm honest as the banks were quite high so nothing to see on either side. Also it started raining heavily so Frank was steering under the big umbrella while I pottered around inside and made us lunch.
No point in both of us getting wet!
The Blip shows the Don aquaduct which is a guillotine flood lock - it contains the waters of the river when it is in flood so as not to inundate the canal.
All the way along from Pollington this stretch has low water levels due to a massive breach near Goole and because of the lack of water pressure in the canal the sides along this stretch are collapsing. The Canal+ River Trust have tried to shore it up but one wonders how long till it all falls in!

We parted company with the '3 men in boats' at Barnby Dun as we wanted to moor up for the day because of the rain and they would be turning off to head for their marina soon anyway.

Now, I've just had a hot shower, I'm back in thermals and will be spending the afternoon knitting and maybe some drawing.

Hope your weather is better wherever you are!

;-) X

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