The Crouch Position, Maidstone
I think we've all been there, those moments when everything gets a bit much. I saw this man in the crouch position and he really did look like someone who'd had enough of it, whatever it was. It could well have been everything at that moment! That was me during the last week, particularly on Friday morning when I got caught in a torrential downpour on the way to work. By the time I'd made it to my studio I was completely soaked through despite having an umbrella throughout the rainstorm. My jeans were so wet that I left a big damp patch whenever I sat down anywhere and squelchy footprints all over my studio floor. It took until midday before I'd dried out. Unfortunately, I couldn't have a time out like the man in today's image as I had a lot of deadline work to complete. Luckily, though it was Friday and so at least I could go for a pub lunch with a couple of my workmates. That cheered me up no end!
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