River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: #30DaysWild

#NoMowMay ... continues ... into June …
After such a busy day yesterday I slept well and woke refreshed.
Change in the weather, as forecast we had a showery day - perfect, everything in the garden has been well watered! I also had a quiet day ...
Watched 3 episodes of “Garddio a Mwy” (Gardening & More) - episode 8 looked at the plight of our native bats and suggested ways gardeners could help: having trees, flowers which have nighttime scent to attract moths and other insects as food for the bats, ivy and bat boxes for them to roost in - we love our little gang of bats!
Felt sorry for the birds at lunch time, filled the feeders with peanuts and sunflower seeds, also gave the "posh birdbath" a scrub and filled with clean water. Many walks down the path to the greenhouse between showers, wasn't going to venture too far away as the showers were heavy!
An unexpected phone call this afternoon, the Table Top sales are planned to restart, more about this closer to the time.
This was the only photo I took today.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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