
By Mindseye

Miss my eggspert

Slept pretty well, up at 8.30, thought Id have breakfast before showering....really fancied dippy soft boiled eggs and soldiers. Hub was the egg man......always got them just right, unlike me, as you can see! I might be able to cook, but obviously cant manage soft boiled eggs lol! I was so disappointed with them, almost cried :-/ but didnt.

A friend called round mid morning to take some of hubs clothes.....I know he would have been happy that they are being put to good use, by someone who appreciates them.

Mid morning I decided to take some stuff out of the garage to the tip.....including the wooden crate that held hubs lava stone, lots of old bamboo canes, other wood & some old picture frames....and a garden parasol that was damaged when delivered. It was replaced but of course they didnt want the damaged one back! As I pulled into the parking bay, dumped the wood, something jogged my memory......I. could see hub dumping the damaged parasol in a neighbours skip a while back.......I pulled themparasol out of its box in the boot of the car, and sure enough it wasnt the damaged one, it was the replacement, in good working order.....nearly dumped it !!!

I popped in to Leigh for some potatoes, fruit & veg & a fillet steak, some chicken stir fry & a pork steak, then got myself a Costa, and a piece of carrot cake, as it was 2.45 and I hadn't had any lunch. Stopped off at daughters beiefly on the way home for a quick catch up, saw Em briefly too.

Back home, I hoovered the boot and back,seat, put back the things that "live" in the boot, then went into the garage and began,sorting out "stuff" for the charity shop, another pile for the tip and some garden games, cricket bat & stumps, golf clubs, hula hoops, boules etc.that Imwill advertise for free, they might be of interest to a children's charity or group??
Swept the floor, so much dust!

Next I spent an hour deadheading the rhododendrons in the garden, threw them into my new green bin, which has finally been delivered!! I do feel calm in he garden since hubs arrival :) Id just finished and tidied everything away and it started to rain.

A package was delivered late afternoon, a long time friend has sent me a Willowtree "thinking of you" angel.....it is so lovely! I have told her I will place her next to hubs "father & daughter" whichmdaughter bought him a few years back, which lives on his bedside unit.

Enjoyed my fillet steak, jacket potato and salad for dinner, caught up on a couple of episodes of His Dark Material, never finished watching it, with everything that happened. ....

Well its almost 11.30, so time for bed.....sis coming here tomoz, we have a treat lined up ;-)

Stay safe everyone

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