
I finally asked someone who gave me a practical answer to the question about making jokes. If I were to post something wonderful on social media and brag about the great work my employer was doing, and then the next day post a picture of myself lounging at a pool, it could suggest that our employees do not work hard and embarrass the agency. 

I would like to be clear that I do not represent my employer, that I am many rungs down the hierarchy and therefore could not possibly speak for my employer, and that I never go to the pool when traveling for work. I actually never go to the pool at a hotel, not because I am boring, but because I think pools are boring. I do travel on the weekends when on work travel and see fire-breathing dragon bridges, ancient forts and mosques, and the location where Godzilla and King Kong fought. They weren't fighting there at the same time I visited. I pay the costs of these side trips. 

So, how to handle this when I post a picture here every day? I think when I travel for work, and presumably one day this will be possible again, maybe I just won't say I'm traveling for work? 

The WHO urges even vaccinated people to resume/continue wearing masks when indoors to protect each other from the Delta variant.  

Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years. If I knew Minnesota law better or had done more reading I might have known that the minimum sentence for the offenses he was found guilty of was 12.5 years. The judge already stated that he considered this case to involve abuse of power of a position of authority and particular cruelty, and therefore qualifying for a  higher maximum sentence. The maximum possible was 40 years. He received 12.5 for the crime and an additional 10 for abuse of power in a position of authority and particular cruelty. The prosecution requested 30. With good behavior he could theoretically be released in 15. 

The Pentagon released a report that reveals there are 18 episodes when some flying object moved "without observable propulsion or with rapid acceleration that is believed to be beyond the capabilities of  Russia, China or other terrestrial nations." The government did not rule out ET. No one can prove they are space aliens, but no one can prove they are not. 

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