Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Slow day

Today has been slow and therefore hard to blip.

I've done a bit of costume work, but I've already blipped the sewing machine. Slight panic that it's only about 12 days away. Performance wise we're good but I've still got to finish my costume, mud it up a bit so it's less pretty, do some more dreading, attach dreads and maybe if I get time, make a smaller cloak.

I've done a lot of sleeping (Doctor's orders), but I can't blip the bed.

I've also done a lot of washing but again, I've blipped the washing machine before too.

This little guy had fallen into the washing basket and as a result, went for a spin with the rest of the washing. We've rescued a few soft toys from the street, the first was a puppy lying muddy and wet in the gutter, this guy was the second. I've been informed by my flatmate Jen that he's an Ewok but that means nothing to me.

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