Don't ask me how I feel

Nobody needs to.

The most annoying question, although asked with good intentions, is "are you feeling a bit better today".


I am managing to sleep, but not at traditional times. But I am still exhausted. The simplest of things makes me want to sit back down.

I am not managing to eat very much.

I am not wanting to wallow in self pity. I am trying desperately hard not to and I honestly do find something each day to make me smile. But it's a monumental effort not to just go back to bed and pull the duvet over my head.

On a scale of 1 to rough, I am utterly abrasive.

I know one week I will be in recovery. I also know that I still have a few weeks of feeling lousy but at least it will pass.

If I am honest, I am beyond fed up of all of this now.

Bet you are too.

It could be worse, I could be in a different country, no medical care, bad if you are reading this...please donate to Comic Relief if you are able.

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