The Geek Influence

Not satisfied with my own increasing science geekery, I am intent on influencing the beloved.

Got out of the house and spent a couple of hours over at Corin's folks' house. Lovely. Did an inspection of Pete's new car and also had good chat with Corin's brother. Wish he and his family lived over seeing them.

Rest of the day has been a woozy haze. It's an interesting sensation to nearly pass out when sitting down!

Rugby...Well deserved for Wales....not sure where we were at times.

Question...and this is weird. James has had two weeks of waking up in the morning and almost immediately having to dash for the loo as he starts retching. He isn't sick, but it appears that he doesn't stop until he has cleared whatever is making him do it....we think it's catarrh. It's horrific to hear, but literally as soon as he is done, he is right as rain and gets on with his day. Anyone else ever had this happen repeatedly with their child. He does have a bit of a cold now, but this has only developed in the last couple of days and a cough has come with it. But prior to that, no cough. No problems breathing, not even with exercise. Just don't get it.

On that note, it's time for more comedy videos on the interweb with Jimbo as my guide.

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