New specs

Well it's been a full on Friday that's for sure. And I've still a few hours before they go to bed. 

Ironing was done and the boy's drawer's all sorted. The older clothes will be given to the school rag bag bin . The Jedi's clothes will be given to my friends grandson. 

Lincoln had his hospital appointment. The consultant isn't sure if it is migraines and wants to rule everything out. So he's going to try and get Glasgow to read the EEG and he is going to organise a MRI scan. But he says that will be done in Glasgow as he will need a general anesthesia for that . 

We came home and they all had lunch and a play of a new game together. Xander has been full on and hard work today. Like really hard work. 

Then I stuck three in the trailer, Xander cycled to town and Lincoln got his glasses fitted. I'm biased but he's super cute. 

We then stopped off at the picnic park and it was lovely to see fellow blipper and sister greengirl. The Wildlings had a good wee play. 

I'm now making their dinner while they're drawing, and then it's bath and bed for them. 

The diet is going well and including snacks I am having around 900 calories a day . I will be having gin tonight and probably a cheat meal on a Saturday night. I had a midweek weight in yesterday. 

Happy weekend to you all. X 
Thanks for all your birthday wishes for him

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