The big 5

A massive happy birthday to this little wildling. He came into this world a fighter and has the attitude that matches this. He's my sensitive, kind, caring, loves life, friendly, huffy at time's, little wildling. He's doesn't let anything stop him and takes things in his stride . 

Today wasn't the birthday we had planned but we dropped the other Wildlings off at nana and grandads and went up to Glasgow for his EEG. He was a absolute trooper. I'll add a extra . 

Afterwards we took him to Macdonald's for a birthday treat. He was so excited as this restaurant had a upstairs to it. I did well and just had a coffee as I knew I was going to have cake today. 

He has been spoiled with gift's and clothes and many balloons. And he's one happy wildling. He is having his favourite dinner which is a burger on a bun . Or a patty as he calls it. And he will then have the cake that he wants. I just need to add his cream and cherries. He loves to watch baking videos. 

So happy birthday my little president. 

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