
By Mindseye

Raining rose petals

Had a sleepover at sis's last night, didnt sleep,to, adly, woke a couple of times, put an earplug in just after 5 so didn't hear BiL nor sis and Kobi go out, got,up amd went down to make myself a brew, was home alone :-) Sis and Kobi soon returned from their early morning walk.

We have the same breakfast, fruit and yogurt, then I got.ready, gathered up my stuff and left around 9.15 to drive home.

Filled up with diesel on my way home, back before 10.30am. Unpacked, out into the garden, swept up the rose petals that had fallen overnight, its like a ritual every day at the. moment. The roses are lovely just now, especially when they are against a blue sky!

Opened up the summerhouse, had a few quiet words with hub, whilst I was beside him, put the cushions out onto the L shaped seating, as daughter was popping round as we havent managed to hook up yet this week. I geabbed a quick sandwich for my lunch, made a brew, had just sat down, when she arrived. We nattered on about all kinds, two hours flew by, then I had to head down town to the Solicitors for 2.15. I needed certification of my ID to be able to recover hubs ISAs. First time Ive had to do that....£10! Money for old rope me thinks!
Anyhow now I can upload the various documentation they want.

I was supposed to be going out for tea, Fish n Chip Friday with our friends nextdoor, but I decided to back out, as Ive had a bit of a iffy tummy since yesterday......just to be on the safe side ;-) They were going with their daughter, SiL & granddaughter so it didnt affect their plans. Made myself gammon egg tomatoes and mushrooms instead.....just sat down to it at 7.45! Caught up with Andy Murrays match, he was outplayed this time, then on to the footy......Italy march on! I am going to watch our match with our neighbours tomorrow!

Ive been trying to sort out where zimstand with our timeshare points and book some things for next year, for myself, to take a little bit of hub back to Tenerife, then something for each of the children too. 2 of 4 done, so thats progress I guess.

Well, its almost. id ight again, best get to bed, need to set an alarm, got so eone coming in the morning to collect some garden games Im giving away, followed by the YMCA charity collection van. They are taking some furniture and bric a brac thats been in the garage for some time! Another step towards clearning out the garage.....can see the floor space now.
Next job is to look up and clear the eaves!!!!

Hope you all enjoy a safe weekend.

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