Happiness is...

...a cold, wet and miserable Saturday morning on Arthur's Seat?

Of course it's not for most, but I think you know what this shot really means! My grin is huge. And if I'm honest (and I know this is a little worrying) there is absolutely nothing in the world right now that could make me happier.

I had a nice lie in this morning - up at 9.30. Then after watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy, I decided to try for a run. As I pulled on my running trousers, the pain in my back was more of a dull ache than a searing pain.

So off I went, determined to take it easy. I just went up and around Arthur's Seat and then a little circuit of the park. 4 miles in total and at a not bad post-injury 9.4 minute miles. My back feels a little niggly afterwards, but it's holding up. Perhaps this wasn't quite the disaster I'd thought it would be! We'll see how it feels later! I still think I made the right decision about not doing the race this afternoon though.

Exercise: 4 mile run
March running mileage: 42.5 miles
2013 running mileage: 270 miles

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