
No not an actual rollercoaster. more of an emotional one!

After my elation yesterday, today has been a disappointing day. I woke up and my back was sore again. I decided to ignore it and that I would go for a long run anyway. It didn't hurt at all on my 4 miler yesterday, so I thought the pain would go if I just started running. I had a bath to ease it a little and took a couple of ibuprofen before heading out.

Can you guess what happened next?

I could feel my back with every step. After about a mile I realised that my upper body was completely rigid, trying to minimise the impact. Not a good sign. So sensible head took over and I turned around. No long run for me.

To be fair, it could have been a lot worse though couldn't it!

I thought about going for a swim instead, but I listened to my mum instead (first time for everything) and stayed home. I watched about 7 episodes of Firefly instead. I now feel completely lazy. I hope this relaxing does the trick - I'm going crazy here.

This is Wesley coming to say hello while I was in the bath (complete with steam and everything). You're never alone when you have a cat - he follows me everywhere!

In other running related news, a friend of mine ran a half marathon today in 1 hour 14 minutes. That is insanely quick! I am very impressed!

Exercise: disappointing 2 mile run
March running mileage: 44.5 miles
2013 running mileage: 272 miles

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