Hustle & Bustle

No real idea why but I was up early today, eating a cooked breakfast before 8:00am. Tidying up and washing out by nine, shopping done by ten thirty and out to Richard and Jackie’s for 12:30.
Home again by 2:30 to change into jacket and tie before walking down to Princess Pavilion and the Mayors presentation.

I feel extremely grateful and proud that Falmouth Royal Naval Association has been recognised for its contribution to the community during the pandemic. Other equally deserving organisations were represented at the event and it was good to see and mingle with familiar faces and old friends.

Home, changed again and off to the Athenaeum Club to meet up with two of the Rugby Clubs ‘Thursday Gang’ for a beer or two five. The rugby club bar is now more closed than open  so it was good to catch up. A great evening, full of fun and laughter.

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