Picnic in a cherry orchard

As the day progressed I began to feel better although the infection in my leg looks worse being red and swollen it had not spread any further. Those stronger antibiotics are having an impact.

Not so last night as a trip to the bathroom was done as a crawl as I could bear no weight on the leg or foot at all. This evening I’m able to hobble around mostly pain free. And the fuzziness in my head abated towards its normal state.

Which is a good thing as today was the last day on which we could harvest the cherries on our Rent A Cherry Tree tree. Susan did all the hard labour with the preparation, driving, carrying and picking. My job was to get to the car, hobble to our tree and sit in the shade and sort the cherries into boxes. It was very pleasant in the orchard and a lovely place to enjoy a picnic lunch.

All being well, we’re over the worst and I’m looking forward rapid improvement in the next 48 hours. Thanks once again for all your concern and supportive comment. You’re a lovely lot.

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