Relief and Disappointment

Relief because the awful cloud holding in the heat has dissipated, and we can actually see stars again. We swapped our usual Sunday lunch with Cecílio and Ermelinda to 8pm, as it was predicted to start lifting then. Sure enough, a wind started blowing, and it was quite pleasant by about 9pm. The bowl of tiny tomatoes is from our garden, so good. And the wine is refreshing Vinho Verde, good in the heat.

Disappointment, obviously, because of England losing to Italy - and by just one penalty - how absolutely awful! Not that we watched it, but family in England did, and Zion was quite upset, probably not helped by being way past his bedtime. 

- that it's football and not a war
- relief from the oppressive, dangerous heat; our air con wouldn't work because not enough sun getting through the cloud
- a lovely, gentle deacon doing church this morning, and watching Deb and Cath do our English church's Livestream

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