Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Taking part..

I ran in the Reading Half Marathon today.
Note I said 'in' the HM, not I 'ran' the HM!
My good friend rang me on Wednesday evening and asked me if I'd fill in for a relay run as some people had dropped out.
We are raising money to buy an ultrasound scanner for the Intensive Care Unit (please feel free to make a donation :-).
I haven't run for about 8 months, so was very reluctant (and of course there are my poor feet and knees to consider), but she was very persuasive.

It was freezing cold and raining, but I'm glad I did it.
...and of course Jim came too.

Thanks M for making me take part (and thanks Mr O for braving the artic conditions to supervise the dog and carry the coats).

The most important thing ... is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.
~ Pierre De Coubertin ~

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