Cappadocia Day #2

A very gentle day, not least because of a late night after watching the football in the hotel bar. I'm not a fan, but this was a special match, and I am sorry that England didn't win. Especially that it came down to penalties.

Late morning, Robin and I set off for the ceramics museum Güray Müze - modest but charming museum of ceramic exhibits ranging from 6000+ BC to modern day locally made pieces. All beautiful examples of the ceramics for which Turkey is famous, and nicely curated in this 'underground' museum that feels like one of the caves that this region is famous for. 

Back at the hotel mid afternoon to generally chill on the pretty terrace in shade (for me) and sunshine (for Robin) before dinner in town at Sofra restaurant.  A drink in the hotel bar chatting with Murat and Jerry - a retired hot air balloon pilot - closed the day for a comparatively early night.

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