The chariot awaits...

Long London day - arrived at 11am, on the 10pm train home.  It was a really productive day, got things done in the job and then finished (FINISHED!!) the current assignment.  Called the husband to celebrate and closed the document as I did, pressed 'don't save' as I thought I was closing something else.... you can guess the rest, because auto-save - previously put on, was off.... Cue frantic re-typing whilst it was all in my mind.  Still not finished, but should be recoverable and I have time. So very annoying. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
An annoyance from yesterday going away
Making a suggestion to a group of senior people that was recognised and agreed with
Handling a slightly tricky situation with someone complaining about a view I hold and explaining my point calmly and rationally (it was about whether ties should be worn in a building or not...!) 

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