Goodbye old friend...

A lovely friend gave the boys this second hand toy car years ago (the eldest was 1 at the time), it has given us hours and hours of play time.  They have both outgrown it, but still love it very much.  I got around the issue of getting rid of a much loved toy by donating it to school, the trade off being that they can watch pre-school and reception playing with it (they seem very happy with that plan!). 

Disaster of the day (well, yesterday), was leaving a very treasured bracelet in London yesterday, and realising that I didn't know where it was.  Tearfully told the husband that I had lost it this morning and was really quite devastated.  In fact, I'd left it in my office and my office buddy found it for me - on the desk...! It's safely tucked away for when I'm next in.  Phew! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The eldest delightfully commenting that the youngest is catching him up with reading levels 
The utter excitement at being allowed to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool tonight - and swimming in the deep end.  The eldest was so proud of his achievement
A bit of a lie-in this morning, bliss

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