Unexpected visitors…

In 1846 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Albert were sailing around the Isle of Wight when the Queen suggested to her husband that they visit Guernsey. So off they went…
This stone commemorates their visit and is where they landed. They didn’t stay long; about three hours in total but it is important because it was the first visit of a reigning monarch. 
More recently I went to see my GP this morning to ask whether she would prescribe Omeprazole because when I had to take it with steroids recently my cough of ten years stopped immediately. She checked my throat, chest and heart and put it on repeat prescription then decided to check my pulse which she said was a bit skippy. She whether I had shortness of breath at all; my response being only at the top of some of our long flights of steps. At least I can still get up them and do regularly. So I had an ECG which was also a bit skippy so have to go back to GP next week. So an expensive morning; something over £100 so far…

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