Unnecessary freezing of water

"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water."
Carl Reiner

I've had a busy day today, uni all morning - where one exercise was to make paper airplanes (don't ask). Then back to Edinburgh to take Wesley for his pre-castration check (gulp. I think we all remember what happened last time - the op is on Wednesday) then off to my massage therapist.

I have to say, I think I'm in love with Sarah (my massage therapist). She knew exactly what I'd done to my back, why I'd done it and how to fix it. She has worked miracles. It no longer hurts at all. She's told me what to do for the next week to keep it that way too and we reckon I'll still be ok to do my 22 miler on Sunday. The woman is nothing short of brilliant!

As I left to get the bus home I stepped into a snowstorm. It was completely unexpected and caught me unawares (as you can see from my expression!). I'm over the snow now. Please go away. And stay away!

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