
By 58jc

Bike ride

OH was up early to play golf - first game with old pals since COVID hit so he was looking forward to it. I was hoping  his back would be ok as he hasn’t played for two weeks.  He set off early and I had the day to myself.  I thought I would go cycling after the disappointing ride earlier this week but chose my own route with fewer hills.  It was beautiful although a little hot by the time I got back.  

Showered and breakfast (I can’t eat before cycling) then off food shopping, we didn’t need much but had run out of fresh fruit and I eat loads!  I called into MIL and took her some ice cream.  She looks older and more frail every time I see her, although she has all her mental faculties.  I do wonder if she will ever get the surgery she needs?

Home for an hour in the garden then a friend popped round for a garden tour and a glass of wine.

Lovely day again. 

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