Ten years

No.1 sent me this picture (which had also popped up on my FB time hop). Graduation day. The last ten years have seen her grow and mature, find a really good, well paid job (albeit one that she is not totally in love with), get engaged and buy her first home. I wonder what the next ten years will bring? Marriage (next year) maybe new house, babies, promotions - who knows? I just hope and pray she stays safe and well and happy. Also hoping same good things come No.2’s way.

Today was Saturday and the current heatwave is all over the press with dire warnings to stay indoors, don’t travel, don’t enjoy the sun! When did we become a nation of such ninnies scared of our own shadows and needing our corrupt and morally bankrupt government to tell us how to live our lives?

We headed off to the beach again with sunscreen and plenty of water. We swam and kept cool ( with breeze it was actually a bit chilly so went home to warm up!). More golf, cheese and crackers then a good film about (more) miscarriage of justice in southern states US. It was a true story called Just Mercy (Amazon). Worth watching.

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