David Austin Roses

These are some of our roses which have come on well, despite being so late.

I forgot yesterday, being a bit tired after the sea swimming and sunshine, to record the latest Jamesian chat. The family had been having some kind of pulled pork dish when 6 year old James asked “Is this human flesh?” He was told that of course it wasn’t. “So you’ll promise me this is not Nana?” (His dad’s granny had recently died). Then there was a lengthy conversation about cannibalism. When I was playing with him and Thomas yesterday we were talking about magic tricks. James said there was no magic. Thomas disagreed. “What about Santa?” he asked. James said Santa was Mum and Dad as it would be impossible for one old man to be Santa to the world. Thomas was appalled. What did Granny think? I said Santa only arrived to children who really believed in him. The chat reminded me of a similar one with Ella who would also have been 6 - “Which is real? God, hell, Santa or the Easter Bunny”. I asked which she wanted to be real. “Santa and the Easter Bunny of course!”

It has been VERY hot today. Val’s weather station said 28 in the shade. Too hot for me to be out. Apologies but I’ve not caught up with Blip journals yet.

I have been busy cooking as Katie and Colin are coming over this evening. It might be the first time ever since we moved back north 17 years ago that it will be warm enough to eat outside even after the sun disappears behind the hill. I’ve grilled green and yellow courgette slices (I hope they do not have the unfortunate repercussions Tim Dowling’s did) which we’ll have with feta, pine nuts, flatbread and mint and olive oil. Main is caramelised onion tart, salad and our own potatoes dressed with garlic, mustard, lemon and olive oil. Pudding is a blackcurrant cheesecake.

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