
Ella and I went for a walk on the beach at 9am, Rosie gets a proper cool paddle/ walk. There were lots of people already set up with their beach towels and umbrellas and in the fast going out sea. This shot was the other end of the day, just after high tide. The beach and sea were nice and busy.

In between Will and I went to visit Marie and her puppies. And her foster twins who have just started living with her. Utterly heartbreaking and gorgeous pair, they have settled in so well after just over a week, little sweeties.

Then an afternoon of Grand Prix and Tour de France, all absorbing and exciting although none of the results I would have been looking for.

Sometime in the middle Daisy popped in, borrowed a swimsuit and left again. I assume she will be back later.

And after last week of glorious nothing, this week there are lots of plans, all of them tremendous.

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