Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Torture and treats

JR was out early today to the gym - her wee gym buddy is back from her holidays. I was out early too - I popped round to Uncle A to put his washing on, to be collected later by my cousin, who was visiting later. He really can’t manage doing that himself now, so we’re getting near decision time…

I then walked along to my torture session, to be greeted there by the two daft dogs. Actually today they really turned up the pain and I was SO glad when it was over. 20 minutes sometimes seems a Very Long Time. I took the bus home instead of walking, so puggled was I. It must be doing me good?

I had arranged a phone call with my doctor for the afternoon, and so JR took Archie out for a big walk, though it was too hot for him and he kept sitting down. I had a talk to my doctor about my ailments and how long everything takes, though of course, some poor people have to wait even longer for treatment, so I can’t really complain. I am awaiting a physio appointment, and she suggested I ring the venue to find out the waiting time.

JR had, by this time, gone into town for a look around the new St James Quarter. I was tempted to meet her there later, as I may be the only person in Edinburgh who hasn’t  visited it yet. And so I did. The bus now stops outside John Lewis again (it hasn’t for several years, while all the building works are going on).

Well, I was quite underwhelmed. It’s a shopping mall. The ‘food hall’ area was even more underwhelming. I had imagined one like Bondi Junction, which we visited many times years ago when we did a house swap which was nearby. There was a whole floor for seating, with dozens of amazing food places all around it. It was always difficult to make choices!

But this ‘food hall’, though not fully opened yet, is in a wee corner of the whole ‘quarter’, with only a few things open, but look! There was a ‘Maki&Ramen’ the Japanese restaurant we discovered at the weekend. And so we were tempted in, and had exactly the same dishes as we had at the weekend. (Except that I FORGOT TO HAVE LITTLE MOONS for dessert!!).

But we really need to practise using chopsticks. This was taken just before she dropped the lot!

EDIT: We didn’t get to the proper food place, with restaurants!! It’s called Bonnie & Wild, and is on the fourth floor and it looks pretty good. Maybe even as good as the Bondi Junction food hall. I’ll report back on it soon.

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