Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Strange people walking in the park

JR went for a run. I did my bike exercise while watching Andrew Marr. I must say, he had two slippery customers on today - the Chinese and Russian Ambassadors, who both just blatantly lied and denied everything. The Chinese chap denied drone footage of hundreds of Uyghur Muslims being lined up, handcuffed and loaded on to long trains. Not true, said he. How do you deal with countries like that, while trying to maintain a semblance of diplomacy?

Becky and Daniel came to take Archie out, and we popped along to the newly opened local cafe, where we met up with Rufus and his mum. It wasn’t like a normal busy Sunday - we were the only people in. And even though it more like a picnic, with a totally ridiculous amount of throw away stuff (Extra) it’s nice to have them back. The scones and home made croissants were just out of the oven... irresistible. 

And so I had to walk some of those extra calories off, so Archie and I accompanied JR across the Meadows and into town (she wanted a new mask in a shop). 

As we walked along, a weird sight greeted us, but I was too slow with my camera. Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Buzz Lightyear, Superman, Batman and even Woody the cowboy were running towards us! Something was up...

And it was more interesting, and closer, than town. So Archie and I went back to see what was happening. Many people had just run 22 miles for the hospital charity. They then marched on to the hospital, following the piper playing ‘500 Miles’. 

The small cases are out. We’re off on a wee adventure tomorrow. We should have been going on a BIG adventure to the Rockies, but never mind. Haven’t told Archie yet, but he’s happy to be going to stay with Rufus and his mum.

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