Sailing home (Day 2266)

An early start this morning for a trip across to Sanday to sort out a boiler fault.
It took far less time than anticipated to deal with the fault, but stayed longer blethering to the customers than I should have done. There was the excuse of planning a bathroom though, so it wasn't all just idle chit chat.
I had advertised on the local Facebook group that I would be across to Sanday and had a couple of other jobs to get to. First up a couple of drippy taps to sort at the shop, then taps to change in a holiday home, which would have been a lot easier if the original installer had taken the time to fit isolation valves on the supplies.
By the time I was finished there it was around three, and I decided to go and have a look at another job. The message that I had been sent about it made it look like there would be at least a day's work on the job, but looking at it, I thought I could make a bit of progress in the short time before the boat home. By half past five, I had supplies and waste for a basin first fixed and the supply for the shower first fixed too. Not bad going for a couple of hours work.
No pics taken so a quick snap from the boat as I sailed home to  my beautiful wife

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